Explore the Citizenship Options for Antigua and Barbuda

Explore the Citizenship Options for Antigua and Barbuda

The trend of investment immigration is booming globally, with Antigua and Barbuda emerging as an attractive destination with its promising citizenship-by-investment program. However, the process of researching and completing citizenship procedures can be challenging and time-consuming without expertise. Therefore, contact us immediately for free consultation on Antigua and Barbuda citizenship options and processes to make the most accurate choice.

Benefits of Acquiring Citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda

Tự do di chuyển hơn 150 quốc gia

Freedom to Travel to Over 150 Countries

Acquiring citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda offers many attractive benefits, including:

Visa-Free Travel and Freedom of Movement

  • Visa-Free Access to Over 150 Countries and Territories: Including developed countries such as the USA, Canada, the UK, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore,...

  • Freedom to Live and Travel in Any CARICOM Member State: Antigua and Barbuda is a member of CARICOM, allowing you to live and move freely in other member states like Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.

Economic Benefits

  • No Global Income, Property, or Inheritance Taxes: This offers significant advantages for investors and entrepreneurs.

  • Attractive Investment Environment: With many tax incentives and supportive policies for foreign investors.

  • Freedom to Work and Conduct Business: In Antigua and Barbuda or any CARICOM member state.

Educational and Healthcare Benefits

  • Advanced Education System: With numerous international schools and universities.

  • Comprehensive Healthcare System: Equipped with modern facilities and professional medical staff.

Ideal Living Environment

  • Tropical Climate Year-Round: Perfect for those who love nature and outdoor living.

  • Renowned for Pristine Beaches: With white sands, turquoise waters, and diverse ecosystems.

  • Friendly and Welcoming People: Known for their hospitality and warmth 

Citizenship Options in Antigua and Barbuda

The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship Program offers four main options to acquire citizenship:

1. Contribution to the National Development Fund (NDF)

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Contribute to the National Development Fund to Obtain Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

Contributing to the NDF is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to obtain citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda. This involves making a non-refundable contribution to support the economic and social development programs of the country.


  • Fast Processing: This option has the quickest approval process, taking about four months to complete.

  • Lowest Initial Investment: Compared to other options, NDF requires the lowest initial investment, starting at $100,000 USD.

  • No Asset Proof Required: Investors are not required to prove the source of their funds.

  • Flexible Payment Options: Investors can choose to make a one-time contribution or split it into multiple installments.

Investment Amounts for NDF:

  • Individual: $100,000 USD

  • Family of 4: $150,000 USD

  • Family of 5 or more: $200,000 USD

2.  Real Estate Investment

Đầu tư bất động sản để sở hữu quốc tịch Antigua và Barbuda

Invest in Real Estate to Obtain Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

Investing in real estate is the second most popular option in the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP). This provides investors with the opportunity to own valuable property on a beautiful island while obtaining citizenship and a passport..


  • Sell Property: After holding government-approved real estate for five years, investors can sell it.

  • Profit Potential: Real estate in Antigua and Barbuda offers good profit potential through rentals or resale.

  • Diverse Options: Investors have various property options, including homes, apartments, villas, resorts, etc..

  • Economic Stimulus: This option helps boost the local economy by creating jobs and attracting investment.

Investment Amounts for Real Estate:

  • Minimum $200,000 USD: For government-approved real estate, held for five years.

  • Minimum $400,000 USD: For government-approved real estate, held for three years.

Qualifying Real Estate:

  • Must be pre-approved by the government..

  • Must have a minimum value of $200,000 USD.

  • Must be fully constructed and habitable.

  • Cannot be jointly owned with non-family members in the application.

3. Business Investment

Đầu tư vào doanh nghiệp

Invest in Business

Investing in a business is a less common option but offers high profitability and business development opportunities in Antigua and Barbuda. Investors can establish or invest in a new government-approved business, creating jobs for locals.


  • High Profit Potential: Businesses can provide returns and help boost the local economy..

  • Sell Business: After owning and operating the business for at least five years, investors can sell it.

  • More Family Members: This option allows investors to sponsor more family members compared to other CIP options.

Investment Amounts for Business: Minimum $1,500,000 USD for establish or invest in a new business, creating at least six full-time jobs for locals.

Qualifying Businesses:

  • Must be newly established or invested in Antigua and Barbuda.

  • Must operate in a government-approved business sector.

  • Must create at least six full-time jobs for locals.

  • Must have a detailed and feasible business plan.

4. Government Bonds

Mua trái phiếu Chính phủ để sở hữu quốc tịch Antigua và Barbuda

Purchasing Government Bonds to Obtain Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship

Purchasing government bonds is the least popular option but offers safety and high liquidity for investors. Investors buy Antigua and Barbuda government bonds and hold them for at least five years.


  • Safety: Government bonds are considered safe investments as they are backed by the government.

  • High Liquidity: Bonds can be easily bought and sold on the secondary market..

  • Regular Income: Bonds provide regular income through interest payments.

  • Simplicity: This option involves a relatively simple process with fewer procedures than other CIP options.

Investment Amount for Government Bonds: 

Minimum $250,000 USD: Purchase and hold Antigua and Barbuda government bonds for at least five years.

Why Choose Us to Help You Obtain Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship 

Our Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program offers numerous attractive benefits for investors and their families, including:

  • Experienced Immigration Consultants: Our team has successfully advised many Vietnamese investors on obtaining Antigua and Barbuda citizenship.

  • Customer-First Approach: We prioritize our clients' interests and are committed to providing honest and transparent advisory services.

  • In-Depth Knowledge: We have a deep understanding of the Antigua and Barbuda citizenship-by-investment program and related regulations and procedures.

  • Reliable Partnerships: We have a network of reputable partners in Antigua and Barbuda, ensuring a smooth and efficient citizenship application process.

With Antigua and Barbuda citizenship options, you and your family can acquire prestigious second citizenship, opening doors to the wider world and enjoying an elite lifestyle. Our team of experienced and dedicated experts promises to provide you with the best service, helping you achieve your dream of obtaining Antigua and Barbuda citizenship quickly and smoothly. Contact us immediately via the website https://quoctichthuhai.com/ for prompt assistance..

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