Citizenship by Investment Program

The Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program is a method by which countries offer foreign investors the opportunity to obtain their citizenship through financial investments in the nation's economy. These investments typically take forms such as purchasing real estate, investing in national development funds, or sponsoring specific economic projects. In addition, investors must meet various health, background, and financial conditions.

The benefits of participating in a citizenship by investment program for investors and their families include better living conditions, access to advanced education systems, employment opportunities, and an enhanced quality of life.

When participating in investment types to obtain citizenship or residency in different countries, investors need to consider:

  • Processing Time: Depending on the country, the processing time for applications can range from 6 to 12 months.
  • Costs and Additional Fees: Besides the main investment amount, investors must also pay processing fees, background check fees, legal fees, service fees, and other administrative costs.
  • Background and Health Requirements: Investors and their families must undergo rigorous background and health checks as required by the specific country for citizenship.

Some of the best citizenship by investment programs


Basic requirements for obtaining a second citizenship

To obtain a second citizenship through the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program, foreign investors must meet the following conditions

  • Financial investment: Applicants need to make a certain financial investment in types such as real estate, companies, or national development funds.
  • Clean criminal record: A clean background with no criminal record.
  • Health requirements: Over 18 years old, in good health, and provide medical documents as proof.
  • Proof of source of investment funds: Investors must provide documents proving the legal origin of the funds.
  • Financial proof: Provide documents such as assets, savings, vehicle documents, real estate documents, other income sources, etc., to ensure you can meet and maintain financial requirements throughout the investment period.
  • Residency period: Applicants must commit to residing in the country for a minimum period (several years) to facilitate the citizenship application process.
  • Language and culture: In some countries, applicants must meet language and cultural requirements to obtain citizenship.

While specific requirements vary, applicants for second citizenship by investment must prove that they can financially afford all costs associated with their program. In addition, they must undergo a complete background check (conducted to screen for security threats and criminality), submit a health examination, and provide other personal information.


Clients choosing our premier citizenship services

By choosing our company, clients will receive the best professional services in residency, immigration, and citizenship today, with the following outstanding advantages:

  • Extensive Experience: We have a team of experienced lawyers and case processing specialists with excellent qualifications and expertise. We always provide accurate information about residency in developed countries and assist clients in preparing complete documentation, saving time and costs.
  • Dedicated Customer Care: Our processing department and specialists closely monitor client files to support and promptly address any arising issues. We are always ready to handle client requests regarding legal matters or information about suitable programs and investment opportunities.
  • International Collaboration: We have a longstanding and reputable network of international partners, particularly working with immigration authorities in many countries. This brings the best benefits to clients in processing applications and updating information.
  • Diverse Services, Detailed Pricing: We offer a variety of investment residency programs to meet the needs of our clients. Especially, our service prices are transparent and public, committed to being as agreed without additional costs.

This is an attractive option for financially capable individuals who want to improve their quality of life and enjoy many excellent benefits. If you are interested in obtaining a second citizenship in developed countries around the world, please contact us at our website: for service support and detailed pricing.

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