About the Malta citizenship by investment program

The Malta Citizenship by Investment program, established in 2013, allows investors and their families from non-EU and non-Swiss countries to obtain Maltese citizenship. They enjoy all the rights and benefits of being Maltese citizens, as well as those of the European Union.

The program is available to families spanning four generations, including: spouse, children under 29, parents, and grandparents over 55 (of both the investor and the spouse), all of whom can obtain Maltese citizenship together.

The investment process for obtaining Maltese citizenship takes between 12 to 36 months, with a minimum investment of 738,000 Euros. Investors and their family members will have lifelong Maltese citizenship, and their descendants will benefit from the ability to travel to EU countries without additional requirements.


Time to Citizenship

12 to 36 months

Minimum Investment


Type of Investment

Real Estate + NDF + Donation

Visa-free Countries

186 including EU, USA, UK and Canada

About the Island Nation of Malta

Malta is a small island nation with an area of 316 square kilometers, located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of the smallest countries in the world with a population of 514,564. Malta joined the EU in 2004 and has been a member of the Schengen Area since 2007. Despite its small size, Malta has a strategic location and significant development potential, attracting many major investors worldwide with a GDP per capita of 27,139 EUR (2019).
  • Economy: The economy is focused on the service sector and industrialization, creating opportunities for many investors and jobs for foreigners. Malta is among the top 10 countries for a balanced work and living environment.'
  • Weather and Climate: The Mediterranean climate features mild winters and hot, humid summers, with an average annual temperature of 22-23 degrees Celsius.
  • Education: The education system follows high European standards and is highly rated. Malta offers a good educational environment that prioritizes comprehensive human and intellectual development.
  • Healthcare: According to the WHO, Malta ranks 5th out of 100 countries for healthcare services. The public healthcare system is high-quality and modern, providing free services to Maltese citizens.





Total Area

316 km2




Parliamentary Republic



Benefits of Maltese citizenship and citizenship

  • Permanent Residency as a Maltese and EU Citizen.
  • Residency in Malta is only required during the investment process (12 or 36 months).
  • The entire family can freely travel, live, study, work, and enjoy social benefits such as healthcare, education, and free public transportation across the 28 EU countries.
  • You can travel to over 185 countries and territories without needing a visa, including the EU and Schengen Area.
  • Income generated outside of Malta is tax-free (for income not managed by Malta).
  • Malta allows dual citizenship, so citizens can retain their original nationality when obtaining Maltese citizenship.

Malta citizenship ranking

  • The Malta citizenship ranks 8th globally in terms of travel freedom, with visa-free access to numerous countries worldwide. 
  • Visa-Free countries for Malta citizenship holders: EU countries, the UK, Japan, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Israel, and Latin American countries.
  • Countries requiring only electronic travel authorization (ETA): USA, Virgin Islands, Guam, Samoa, New Zealand, Canada, Pakistan, Northern Mariana Islands, Norfolk Island, South Korea, Sri Lanka.
  • Countries requiring a visa: Cambodia, Kuwait, Maldives, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, Thailand, and others.

Requirements for obtaining Maltese citizenship

  • Be a citizen of a third country eligible for the Malta Citizenship by Investment program.
  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Have resided in Malta for at least 12 months with a residence card.
  • Be in good health and have a clean criminal record.
  • Have no previous entry bans to countries that offer visa-free access to Maltese citizens.

Investment Options for Obtaining Maltese Citizenship

Maltese Citizenship through Real Estate Investment

Personal Requirements (Main Applicant): Must be a citizen of a third country outside Malta and the EU, aged 18 or older. Must meet health and personal background criteria.

Requirements for Dependents:

  • Must meet health and security background criteria.
  • Must be financially dependent on the main applicant.
  • Family relationships include parents and grandparents over 55 years old.
  • Family relationships include unmarried children of the main applicant under 29 years old.

Cost Conditions for Maltese Citizenship through Investment:

  • Must prove the legal source of investment funds.
  • Must purchase real estate worth at least 700,000 EUR or rent real estate for at least 16,000 EUR per year. The real estate or lease agreement must be maintained for 5 years from the date of citizenship.
  • Must make a donation of 10,000 EUR to community funds or charities in Malta.
  • Must make a non-refundable contribution to the Maltese government:
    750,000 EUR with the application for citizenship eligibility submitted after 12 months or 600,000 EUR after 36 months.

Due diligence background

€15,000 for the main applicant

Background check and due diligence for Dependents


Administrative fees

€11,000 for the main applicant

€3,000 for each additional dependent

Legal fees and professional fees

Will depend on the number of dependents

Applying for Maltese citizenship

How to obtain a Maltese citizenship?

Obtaining Maltese citizenship is a consideration for many, but it is challenging due to strict eligibility criteria. As a leading service provider specializing in citizenship services, particularly Maltese citizenship, we have extensive experience in this field and can assist you in the following ways.

  • Advisory department: We will help you complete the necessary information, documents, and related materials to support the process of applying for Maltese citizenship.
  • Support for investment and donation requirements: We will help you navigate the requirements of the investment program and donations necessary to obtain Maltese citizenship.
  • Guidance on registration procedures: We will guide you through the procedures for registering for Maltese citizenship through authorized agencies, such as acquiring a second citizenship.
  • Clear cost notification: We will clearly inform you of the due diligence and processing fees to ensure the process is smooth, helping you prepare the necessary finances to obtain a second citizenship.

If you have plans to hold dual citizenship, including Vietnamese and Maltese citizenship, contact us immediately for the quickest and most accurate guidance and consultation on the application process.

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