Spanish Consulate - Essential Information You Need to Know

Spanish Consulate - Essential Information You Need to Know

To apply for a Spanish visa, you need to submit your visa application to the Spanish consulate and complete the related procedures there. So, what is the Spanish consulate in Vietnam? What are its functions and duties? Follow our article below to learn more about the Spanish consulate!

Overview of the Spanish Consulate

The Spanish consulate is the diplomatic representative of Spain in Vietnam. Generally, consulates of various countries are located in major cities, and the Spanish consulate is located in Ho Chi Minh City. The head of the consulate is the consul general, followed by the deputy consul general, consuls, vice consuls, and attachés.

At the Spanish consulate, the consul general reports to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The primary activities of the consulate focus on economics and visas. The address of the Spanish consulate in Vietnam is as follows:

  • Address: 2101 & 2102 Saigon Trade Center, 37 Ton Duc Thang Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

  • Working hours: The consulate operates from Monday to Friday, mornings from 9:30 to 12:30, and afternoons from 15:00 to 18:00.

  • Phone: (028) 3910 2284

  • Email:

  • Head: Alejandro Dominguez Herrera

Lãnh sự quán của Tây Ban Nha ở Việt Nam

The Spanish Consulate in Vietnam The Spanish Consulate in Vietnam

Duties of the Spanish Consulate in Vietnam

The Spanish consulate in Vietnam performs the following duties:

  • Protecting the rights and legal interests of the Spanish state, legal entities, and citizens, ensuring compliance with international law.

  • Supporting the development of economic, commercial, cultural, and scientific relations between Vietnam and Spain, fostering a friendly environment according to convention terms.

  • Consular visits, contacts, and assisting Spanish citizens when arrested, detained, tried, or serving prison sentences in Vietnam.

  • Issuing, renewing, canceling, amending, and supplementing passports and travel documents valid for entry and exit in Spain.

  • Issuing, supplementing, and canceling visas for Vietnamese citizens.

  • Handling civil status affairs, including adoption according to regulations.

  • Notarizing, certifying, receiving, and safeguarding valuable documents for Spanish citizens and legal entities upon request.

  • Performing tasks related to Spanish nationality

  • Supervising, inspecting, and assisting Spanish-flagged vessels and aircraft, ensuring they receive full rights and benefits in Vietnam.

Lãnh sự quán của Tây Ban Nha thực hiện nhiệm vụ liên quan đến thị thực

The Spanish consulate handles visa-related tasks

Required Documents for a Spanish Visa Application

To apply for a Spanish visa, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • A visa application form depending on whether you are applying for a short-term or long-term entry visa, according to the consulate's template.

  • A passport-sized photo, front view, white background, meeting Schengen standards (35mm x 45mm), taken within the last 3 months.

  • A passport valid for at least 3 months after your planned departure from the Schengen area. For multiple-entry visas, the passport must have at least 2 blank pages and be issued within the last 10 years.

  • If the applicant is not Vietnamese, proof of residence, such as a temporary or permanent residence card.

  • Financial proof demonstrating the ability to cover expenses for the duration of the stay in Spain

  • Documents proving the applicant will return to Vietnam after their stay in Spain, such as an employment contract, leave approval, company registration certificate, detailed salary statements, savings book, property ownership, marriage certificate, etc,...

  • A round-trip flight ticket to Spain and hotel booking confirmation.

  • Travel insurance with a minimum coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid throughout the entire Schengen area.

  • For visits, business trips, or tourism, additional relevant documents such as an invitation letter, contracts, invoices, etc., are required,...

Các tài liệu làm hồ sơ xin visa Tây Ban Nha

Documents for a Spanish visa application

A Few Tips When Visiting the Spanish Consulate

When visiting the Spanish consulate in Vietnam, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Prepare all necessary documents for your purpose, such as passport, visa, photos, and related documents,...

  • Make an appointment in advance by calling the consulate. Arrive on time for your appointment; if you are late, you may be denied entry or need to reschedule.

  • Follow security regulations when entering the consulate, and do not bring prohibited items.

  • Dress neatly and appropriately when visiting the consulate.

  • The consulate operates from Monday to Friday, except on holidays and Tet.

Hãy nắm những lưu ý khi đi đến lãnh sự quán

Follow these tips when visiting the consulate

If you are interested in the Spanish Golden Visa to get closer to your dream of obtaining citizenship in this country, contact us for the earliest support. Second Citizenship is a leading provider of residency investment programs today with reasonable costs, guaranteeing a 100% visa approval rate.


The information above is related to the Spanish consulate in Vietnam. We hope it has provided you with the necessary knowledge for your upcoming trip to Spain. Visit the website to stay updated with interesting information every day. 

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