Detailed Conditions for Obtaining a Portuguese Golden Visa in 2024

Detailed Conditions for Obtaining a Portuguese Golden Visa in 2024

The Portuguese Golden Visa (Golden Visa Portugal) is an investment residency program that attracts a large number of international investors due to its outstanding benefits, especially the opportunity to freely travel and reside in 26 countries within the Schengen Area. So, what are the specific conditions for obtaining a Portuguese Golden Visa? Our article will provide you with detailed answers to the questions you are seeking.

What are the conditions for obtaining a Portuguese Golden Visa?

To be eligible for the Portuguese Golden Visa program, investors need to meet some basic requirements:

For the main applicant

The applicant for the Portuguese Golden Visa must be:

  • Over 18 years old.

  • Not a citizen of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA).

  • Investing in projects in Portugal.

  • Committed to maintaining the investment for at least 5 years.

  • Free of any outstanding debts to the Portuguese Government.

  • Without any record of legal violations.

  • Have purchased private health insurance.

  • Free of any record of illegal entry or residence in Portugal.

  • Have opened a tax number and a bank account at financial institutions in Portugal.

  • Completed the minimum residency period required by Portugal, including:

    • First year: 7 days

    • Second and third years: 14 days

    • Fourth and fifth years: 14 days

After the fifth year, the investor is eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship or become a European citizen.

  • No educational level, language proficiency, or management experience required.

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Conditions for obtaining a Portuguese Golden Visa

For dependents

Dependents of the main applicant can include:

  • Spouse.

  • Children under 18 years old.

  • Children under 26 years old (still full-time students, unmarried, and financially dependent).

  • Parents of the main applicant and spouse over 65 years old, financially dependent.

Investment conditions

To apply for the Portuguese Golden Visa, you must choose to invest in one of the accepted options:

Investment Fund

The minimum investment required for this option is 500,000 EUR. This amount will be used to purchase shares in collective investment schemes that are non-real estate related and established under Portuguese law.

These programs must have a minimum duration of 5 years from the time of investment. The mandatory condition is to allocate at least 60% of the invested amount to companies headquartered in Portugal.

Các điều kiện đầu tư bạn phải đáp ứng để có Golden Visa Bồ Đào Nha

Investment conditions you must meet to obtain a Portuguese Golden Visa

Business Investment

To qualify for the Golden Visa program, investors can choose to invest in business with a capital of 500,000 EUR or more. This capital is used to establish a commercial company in Portugal and create at least 5 full-time jobs within 3 years.

Alternatively, investors can choose to increase the capital of an existing company, provided they create 5 new jobs or maintain 10 jobs, including 5 full-time jobs within 3 years.


Investing for the Golden Visa also allows you to make a minimum investment of 500,000 EUR for research projects by public and private scientific organizations within the national scientific and technological system.

In addition, this visa program encourages investors to contribute to cultural enrichment by investing at least 250,000 EUR in the production of new works of art or the preservation of important cultural heritage in the country.

Reputable support unit for obtaining a Golden Visa in Portugal

The Portuguese Golden Visa program is increasingly attracting the interest of Vietnamese investors. To ensure a smooth visa application process, with well-prepared documents and safe investments, selecting a reliable partner for support is essential. 

Công ty tư vấn hỗ trợ lấy Golden Visa Bồ Đào Nha uy tín

Reputable consulting company supporting the application for the Portuguese Golden Visa

However, this is not always an easy task. Choosing an unreliable or ineffective company can lead to serious consequences for both the progress and outcome of the investment visa application project.

As a leading company in consulting and providing support services for completing the Portuguese Golden Visa application, we have been and are accompanying many investors in Vietnam who want to obtain this visa. The result is that the investors we support have all received their visas in the shortest time possible and have shown high satisfaction with our services.

When you choose us to apply for the Portuguese Golden Visa, you will receive:

  • Expertise from professionals who deeply understand the Portuguese Golden Visa program, always ready to provide professional and dedicated advice and support.

  • Enjoy a comprehensive service package, supporting you in completing all steps in the visa application process transparently, efficiently, and time-saving.

  • A high success rate for your application, ensuring you receive the Portuguese Golden Visa as quickly as possible.


Thus, the conditions for obtaining a Portuguese Golden Visa that you want to know have been detailed in the article above. If you find yourself eligible for this visa and are planning to apply for it, do not hesitate to contact us at to start your journey to conquer the Portuguese Golden Visa right away!

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