Conditions for Obtaining Malta's Golden Visa - Detailed Update for 2024

Conditions for Obtaining Malta's Golden Visa - Detailed Update for 2024

Malta's Golden Visa is an optimal solution for investors wishing to reside in Europe through investment in Malta. With this program, you can enjoy an ideal living environment, attractive tax incentives, and freedom of movement within the Schengen area. So, what are the conditions for obtaining Malta's Golden Visa? Below, we share some information related to this residency investment program for your reference.

Conditions for Obtaining Malta's Golden Visa

To obtain this type of visa, you need to apply for the MPRP program through a licensed agent. The list of agents is available on the "List of Agents" page of the Malta Residency Agency. Additionally, you must meet the following conditions for obtaining Malta's Golden Visa:

Visa Vàng Malta mang đến cho bạn cơ hội nhập tịch Malta nhanh chóng

The Malta Golden Visa provides you with the opportunity for quick Maltese citizenship

Personal Conditions

  • The main applicant must be at least 18 years old.

  • The applicant must prove they do not have any infectious diseases and have health insurance under an international health insurance contract.

  • The applicant must have a valid travel document (passport) for themselves and their dependents.

  • The applicant and their family must have a clean criminal record and must not pose any potential threat to national security, public health, public policy, or public interest of Malta.

Financial Contribution

When applying under Malta's Individual Investor Program, your entire family must make a significant non-refundable financial contribution to the National Development and Social Fund established by the Maltese government.

This fund is allocated to domestic financial projects related to education, public health, social improvement, innovation, etc. The following contributions must be made within 4 months of the issuance of Malta's IIP Principle Approval Letter:

  • Main applicant: €650,000

  • Spouse: €25,000

  • Minor children: €25,000 each

  • Unmarried children aged 18 to 26: €50,000 each

  • Dependent parents and grandparents: €50,000 each

  • Adult children with physical or mental disabilities: €50,000 each

Hãy nắm điều kiện nhận Visa Vàng Malta chi tiết

Understand the detailed conditions for obtaining the Malta Golden Visa

Real Estate Purchase or Rental

One of the conditions for obtaining Malta's Golden Visa is that the applicant must commit to having a permanent residence in Malta for at least 5 years. You can fulfill this condition by purchasing real estate in Malta with a minimum value of €350,000 and maintaining ownership for over 5 years, or renting real estate for over 5 years with a minimum annual rent of €16,000.

Additionally, you must provide proof of ownership or rental of real estate on the islands within four months of receiving the Principle Approval Letter for Malta citizenship.

Investment in Bonds

Before being approved for the program to obtain Maltese citizenship, applicants must invest at least €150,000 in government-approved financial instruments such as bonds, stocks, debts to benefit the country, etc., and must commit to maintaining the investment for a minimum of 5 years.

Proof of Personal Income

Under the old MRVP program, the main applicant had the option to prove a minimum annual income of €100,000 or €500,000 in personal assets. The current MPRP program has removed the income proof option while retaining the proof of ownership of assets worth €500,000 with the requirement to have €150,000 available in liquid funds.

Bạn cần chứng minh thu nhập khi tham gia chương trình này

You need to provide proof of income when participating in this program

Frequently Asked Questions About the Conditions for Obtaining Malta's Golden Visa

Can the application be submitted in Vietnamese?

No, the application must be submitted in English. If the original documents are in Vietnamese or any other language, they need to be translated into English, and the translation must be certified.

Will future children/grandchildren be European citizens?

If you and your family have Malta's Golden Visa, children born after you receive citizenship will automatically be Maltese citizens (i.e., European citizens). This allows them to enjoy benefits such as freedom of movement within the EU and access to the EU's education and healthcare systems.

Visa Vàng Malta mang đến rất nhiều lợi ích cho nhà đầu tư

The Malta Golden Visa offers numerous benefits for investors

Is Maltese citizenship through investment permanent?

Yes, Maltese citizenship granted through the investment program is permanent, provided you comply with the program's requirements during the mandatory investment period. After receiving citizenship, you and your family can enjoy the same rights as other Maltese citizens.

How is tax for Maltese citizens managed?

Malta applies a residence-based tax system, with no taxes on assets, inheritance, or real estate. Income earned outside Malta is only taxed if it is transferred into Malta. However, residents must comply with international tax laws and financial reporting regulations.

How long does it take to obtain a second citizenship?

The time to obtain Maltese citizenship through the investment program can take from 6 to 12 months, including the process of submitting the application, approval, and completing the required investments and contributions.

Bạn cần chờ 6 -12 tháng để có quốc tịch Malta thông qua chương trình đầu tư

You need to wait 6-12 months to obtain Maltese citizenship through the investment program

Consulting for Malta's Golden Visa Conditions

We are a leading authorized agency specializing in supporting clients who want to obtain second citizenship and golden visas through reputable Citizenship by Investment (CBI) and Residency by Investment (RBI) programs worldwide. We proudly offer comprehensive consulting and support services with the following advantages:

  • Experience and Expertise: With many years of experience in immigration and investment, our team of experts understands the legal regulations and specific requirements of each program, ensuring a smooth application process.

  • Personalized Support: Each client is provided with a customized solution that fits their needs and financial situation. We will accompany you from the first step until you receive the desired citizenship or visa.

  • Quick Procedures: Understanding the importance of time, we optimize processes to ensure you achieve your goals in the shortest possible time, usually only taking 6 to 12 months for the Malta Golden Visa program.

If you want consultation on the conditions for obtaining Malta's Golden Visa, let us accompany you. We will help you open the door to a new life in Malta, where you can enjoy a safe and modern living environment. Contact us at to start your journey today!

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