Assessment of the Sustainable Island Solutions Contribution

Assessment of the Sustainable Island Solutions Contribution

The Government of Saint Kitts & Nevis has announced the Sustainable Investment Contribution Scheme (SISC) to attract investors worldwide. This is an opportunity for investors to obtain citizenship of Saint Kitts & Nevis with a minimum investment of $250,000 USD per person. Let's explore the details about the Sustainable Island Solutions Contribution below!

About the Sustainable Investment Contribution Scheme (SISC)

The minimum contribution to the Sustainable Growth Fund for the island nation to the Government of Saint Kitts & Nevis is $250,000 USD. Additionally, this amount increases if you and your spouse or children also participate. Specifically:

  • Main applicant: $250,000 USD
  • Main applicant and spouse: $300,000 USD
  • Main applicant and one dependent: $300,000 USD
  • Main applicant, spouse, and one or two dependents: $350,000 USD
  • Main applicant and 2-3 dependents: $350,000 USD
  • Each dependent under 18 years in addition to a family of 4: $50,000 USD
  • Each dependent over 18 years in addition to a family of 4: $75,000 USD
Chương trình đầu tư nhập quốc tịch Saint Kitts & Nevis đa dạng

Diverse Investment Options under the Citizenship by Investment Program

Attractive Benefits of Investing for Citizenship

Investors benefit from the Sustainable Investment Contribution Scheme for the island with:

  • Residence for 4 generations of family: Spouse, children under 30 years, parents, grandparents over 65 years.
  • Dual citizenship and transfer to the next generation.
  • Favorable tax policies, including foreign income tax exemption, inheritance tax exemption, and low capital gains tax.
  • Visa-free travel to approximately 144 countries, including Schengen Area, United Kingdom, Singapore, Canada, South Korea, United States, and others.
  • Right to live, work, and settle in all CARICOM member countries..
Nhiều quyền lợi khi tham gia đầu tư đóng góp bền vững cho Quốc đảo

Nhiều quyền lợi khi tham gia đầu tư đóng góp bền vững cho Quốc đảo

Requirements and Procedures for Participating in the SISC

Administrative costs

Administrative costs for participation are adjusted as follows:

  • $10,000 USD for each main applicant
  • $7,500 USD for each dependent over 16 years old

Mandatory Interview Process Requirements

Those required to participate in the interview include:

  • Main applicant
  • Dependents over 16 years old, if necessary, may also be required to attend.

The interview process includes:

  • Online interviews - initially the default option.
  • Direct interviews in Saint Kitts & Nevis.
  • Direct interviews at approved locations.

Interviewees must answer directly themselves and cannot delegate representation or be assisted by another person to respond. If the main applicant and dependents cannot use English, the Immigration Office will provide a certified interpreter to assist during the interview..

Processing Time for Administrative Procedures

For all 4 investment methods, within approximately 120 days (4 months) from when the CIU Immigration Office confirms receipt of the application, they will notify the consulting firm whether the application has been approved, rejected, or is delayed and still being processed.

Why Choose Us for Second Citizenship Consultancy?

Hãy chọn chúng tôi để tư vấn về các dịch vụ quốc tịch thứ hai

Choose us for second citizenship consultancy services

  • Our team of professional legal advisors is proficient in English and French... and understands the latest Saint Kitts & Nevis citizenship policies.
  • Provide top-tier foreign residency services to help clients save time, costs, and administrative risks.
  • Offer reasonable investment proposals for the Sustainable Investment Contribution Scheme, suggest accurate and prompt resettlement options.
  • Many years of experience in providing second passport and citizenship services quickly.

These are the latest updates on the investment program for sustainable contributions to the island (SISC). If investors are interested in the Saint Kitts & Nevis citizenship investment program, please contact us directly via our website: for the fastest support. We are confident with many years of experience in immigration in Europe, America... with a mission to provide the best service to customers and always update the latest policies on rapid citizenship investment ownership.

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