Study Abroad Information for Greece: Conditions, Procedures, Costs

Study Abroad Information for Greece: Conditions, Procedures, Costs

Greece is one of the 27 countries in the European Union (EU) with comprehensive economic, social, and educational development conditions. It has many higher education institutions that meet European standards, attracting a large number of international students, including Vietnamese students. To study in Greece, you need to know the procedures, conditions, and costs involved. Check out the detailed information below!

General Information About Studying in Greece

Studying in Greece can be an attractive option for many students, but it's important to consider various factors to determine if it's the right choice for you. Below are some advantages and disadvantages of studying in Greece for your consideration:

Hy Lạp mỗi năm thu hút rất nhiều du học sinh học tập sinh sống

Greece attracts a large number of international students each year for study and living

Advantages of Studying in Greece

  • Quality Education: Greece has many prestigious universities and diverse programs in various fields such as archaeology, history, philosophy, and more.

  • Affordable Costs: Tuition fees and living expenses in Greece are often lower than in many other European countries, reducing the financial burden for international students.

  • Rich Culture and History: Greece is the cradle of Western civilization with many cultural and historical heritage sites, offering students the opportunity to explore and learn directly.

  • Beautiful Climate and Scenery: Greece has a mild Mediterranean climate and many famous scenic spots, creating favorable living and studying conditions.

  • Language of Instruction: There are programs taught in English, making it easier for international students to study without needing to be fluent in Greek..

Challenges of Studying in Greece

  • Language Barrier: Although you may study in English, not knowing Greek can make daily living and social interactions difficult.

  • Education System: The higher education system in Greece differs in teaching methods and assessment compared to Vietnam.
  • Economy and Politics: Greece has experienced economic crises over the past decade. Although the situation has improved, it can still affect life and study there.

  • Job Opportunities: Finding part-time jobs or employment after graduation can be challenging due to a competitive labor market and high unemployment rates in Greece.

Requirements for Studying in Greece

To study in Greece, international students need to meet the following conditions:

Du học tại Hy Lạp cần tốt nghiệp THPT trở lên

To study in Greece, you need to have graduated from high school or higher

Basic conditions

  • A valid passport.

  • A fully issued Greek student visa.

  • Valid financial proof documents according to the education levels in Greece.

  • Good health and a clean criminal record.

Conditions by Education Level

For each education level, there are specific conditions as follows:

For Undergraduate Level
  • High school graduation or an equivalent qualification with a confirmation certificate.

  • For bachelor's degree programs, a Greek language certificate is required. If language proficiency is insufficient, a 1-year preparatory language course is needed.

  • A minimum GPA of 7.0/10.

  • For programs taught in English, IELTS or TOEFL certificates are required.

For Master's Level
  • A bachelor's degree from a recognized university.

  • 2 to 4 years of work experience (applicable for MBA programs).

  • Valid English language certificates including TOEFL, IELTS, PTE Academic, or C1 with a minimum score of B or 7.0 on a 9.0 scale.

  • A minimum GPA of 7.5/10.

Estimated Costs for Studying in Greece

We will summarize some of the costs for international students living and studying in Greece, including:

  • Tuition Fees:

Tuition fees for undergraduate and postgraduate programs at public universities in Greece range from 1,500 to 2,000 euros per year (excluding scholarships).

  • Accommodation Costs:

Depending on the location and living conditions, the cost of renting a room in Greece is typically around 300 to 600 euros for a single room.

Chi phí, mức sống tại Hy Lạp khá rẻ so với các nước EU khác

The cost of living in Greece is quite affordable compared to other EU countries

  • Food Expenses:

The cost of essential food items in Greece is quite affordable. If you cook at home, you will spend around 200 to 300 euros per month.

  • Transportation Costs:

You can walk, ride a bicycle, or use public transportation such as taxis and trains. The transportation costs will be from 50 to 100 euros per month.

  • Other Miscellaneous Expenses:

Depending on your personal needs, these costs can vary. They may include expenses for books, insurance, food, entertainment, shopping,...

Steps to Prepare for Studying in Greece

Studying in Greece requires several important procedures and documents. Here are the basic steps and necessary documents for this process:

1. Research and Choose a School

Research universities and programs in Greece that match your interests and academic goals. You can refer to some well-regarded high schools and universities in Greece:

High Schools for International Students in Greece
  • Elliniki Agogi

  • American Community Schools of Athens

  • International School of Athens

  • St. Catherine's British School

  • British International School Athens

  • International School of Thessaloniki

  • Doukas School

  • I.M. Panagiotopoulos School

Universities for International Students in Greece
  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  • University of Crete

  • University of Ioannina

  • University of Thessaly

  • University of Western MacedoniaĐại học Aristotle Thessaloniki

Well-known Universities Offering Postgraduate Programs in Greece
  • Athens University of Economics and Business

  • National Technical University of Athens

  • University of Macedonia

  • University of Patras

  • University of Piraeus

  • University of Thessaloniki

  • University of the Aegean

2. Enrollment Application

  • Submit Application: Send your application along with documents (transcripts, English or Greek language certificates, recommendation letters, essays, study plans).

  • Wait for Acceptance Letter from the School: If accepted, you will receive an admission letter from the school to apply for a visa.

3. Prepare Documents for Greek Student Visa Application

  • Hộ chiếu còn hạn: Còn ít nhất 6 tháng tính từ ngày nhập cảnh dự kiến.

  • Valid Passport: Must be valid for at least 6 months from the expected date of entry.

  • Visa Application Form: Complete all information as instructed, ensuring it matches your identification card.

  • Passport Photos: According to the embassy's specified standards.

  • Acceptance Letter from the School: Admission letter from the university in Greece.

  • Proof of Financial Means: Provide sufficient documents to demonstrate your ability to cover tuition and living expenses during your studies in Greece.

  • Medical Certificate: Medical examination at a hospital designated by the Greek Embassy.

  • Language Certificates: Greek language certificate or English language certificates (IELTS or TOEFL), depending on the program of study.

Thủ tục xin visa du học Hy Lạp cần phải chứng minh tài chính

Student visa application procedures for Greece require proof of financial means

4. Submit Visa Application

  • Submit Visa Application: Submit your student visa application at the Greek Embassy or Consulate.

  • Visa Interview: You may need to attend an interview at the embassy.

5. Wait for and Receive Visa

  • Track Application Process: It may take several weeks to receive your visa.

  • Receive Visa and Prepare for Study Abroad: Once you receive your visa, prepare your luggage and necessary documents to study in Greece.

6.  Enrollment in Greece

  • Check Necessary Documents: Passport, visa, acceptance letter, proof of financial means, health insurance, and other relevant documents.

  • Contact the University: Inform them of your arrival date and complete enrollment procedures at the university.


Deciding whether to study in Greece depends on each individual's educational goals, interests, and financial situation. It can be both an opportunity and a challenge on your journey towards a bright future. To ensure a smooth preparation process for studying in Greece, please contact

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