Permanent Residency in Dominica - Detailed Requirements, Benefits

Permanent Residency in Dominica - Detailed Requirements, Benefits

Permanent Residency in Dominica - One of the Most Beautiful Islands in the Caribbean. Dominica is also a country with a relatively affordable and attractive citizenship by investment program. In the article below, we will provide detailed information on this topic.

Introduction to the beautiful island of Dominica

Đảo quốc Dominica nổi tiếng xinh đẹp

The Beautiful Island Nation of Dominica

Dominica is located in the Caribbean Sea and is a former British colony. It is a member of the Commonwealth, the United Nations, CARICOM, the Organization of American States (OAS), and other international organizations.

The Commonwealth of Dominica boasts extensive, beautiful coastlines, pristine tropical rainforests, diverse marine biodiversity, and natural volcanic hot springs that are very beneficial for health. It is also home to many rare species of animals, plants, and birds, such as the Sisserou parrot depicted on Dominica's national flag.

This nation enjoys economic and political stability, a low crime rate, and abundant investment opportunities. Financial Times magazine rated Dominica as the best choice for obtaining second citizenship in the world for four consecutive years from 2017 to 2020.  

Requirements for obtaining Permanent Residency in Dominica

Individuals seeking permanent residency in Dominica must renew their temporary residence permit annually for a continuous period of 5 years. They may also be granted a legal work permit in Dominica for 5 years. Applications for permanent residency must be submitted to the appropriate authority - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Immigration, and Labour. For the initial application, the applicant needs to provide the following:   

Valid Passport

The passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the intended stay. Applicants should renew their passport before applying for the Dominica Residence Permit to meet mandatory requirements.   

Residence Extension

To apply for a Dominica Residence Permit, you need to submit an application for an extension of stay at the Immigration Office. This extension will be duly noted in the applicant's passport. An extension of stay is unnecessary if the applicant's status changes to Resident or Work Permit holder.

Visitors on the island wishing to obtain a Dominica Residence Permit but who have not applied for an extension of stay will be considered illegal unless their status is regularized. No Residence Permit application form will be issued to them without proper status adjustment.

For those who meet the above conditions, the following documents and forms must be submitted for a Dominica Residence Permit:

Residence Application Form

The applicant must complete this form, ensuring all questions are answered fully and accurately. The extension of stay in the passport must be noted at the end of the form.   

Medical Form

A local medical doctor will require a medical examination, including HIV testing and a chest X-ray. The results of these tests must be recorded on the medical form.  

Checklist of Required Documents

All necessary documents for the Residence Permit application must be submitted along with the application form. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

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Requirements for Obtaining Permanent Residency in Dominica

Top benefits of Dominica Citizenship

Excellent social welfare benefits

As a citizen of Dominica, you can purchase an insurance card to access the public healthcare system for free. All citizens receive free education up to the high school level. Dominica also offers access to top-quality universities in South America.

Visa-free travel

As of 2020, Dominica passport holders can enjoy visa-free entry to 140 countries and territories, including the Schengen Area, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, and Canada. Dominica’s friendly diplomatic relations with many countries make international travel more flexible and convenient.

Family benefits

Dominica allows second passports for up to three generations in the family. Permanent passports are provided for the main applicant and dependent family members, including spouses, parents aged 55 and over, and children under 30. Dominica also permits dual citizenship, so you can retain your original nationality unless you choose to renounce it.

Dominica has no gift tax, estate tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax, or foreign income tax. Additionally, the country offers tax exemptions for businesses. If you reside and earn income in Dominica, you only need to pay personal income tax.

Right to reside and conduct legal business

The country imposes no restrictions on repatriating business profits to investors' home countries. There are no limits on importing capital, and many incentives are available, including corporate tax benefits, full or reduced import duty exemptions, and export tax support.

Additional benefits of Dominica Citizenship

  • Citizens enjoy full rights to live and work in Dominica but are not required to reside in the country. Dominica citizens have the freedom to live anywhere in the world. 

  • There is no compulsory military service for youth in Dominica.    

  • There is no need to have a registered address in Dominica to renew your passport when it is full or expired after 10 years. You can renew your passport at any Dominica consulate in various countries.

Thường trú nhân tại Dominica hưởng nhiều phúc lợi

Permanent residents in Dominica enjoy many benefits


Obtaining permanent residency in Dominica is considered one of the top residency options, thanks to the open policies permitted by the Commonwealth of Dominica. With the benefits of Dominica citizenship, your future and that of future generations can be significantly enhanced. Please visit for detailed support and more useful information. 

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