Latest 2024 Update on Malta Residency Costs

Latest 2024 Update on Malta Residency Costs

The cost of residing in Malta is a common concern for most investors looking to join the Malta residency investment program to obtain permanent residency. Therefore, in today's article, our expert will share specific details on this topic and update the living costs for Vietnamese people living in Malta. Interested readers are invited to click on the article to learn more.

Latest 2024 Residency Costs in Malta

According to our expert’s research, the cost of residing in Malta largely depends on the type of investment the applicant initially chooses. Specifically:

Residency in Malta through Real Estate Rental

  • Foreign investors choosing to rent real estate in the southern region of Malta and Gozo will incur a minimum fee of 10,000 EUR. Alternatively, applicants can rent for 12,000 EUR in other locations.

  • In addition, the applicant must make a non-refundable contribution to the Maltese government amounting to 98,000 EUR.

  • An additional donation to a Maltese non-governmental organization of approximately 2,000 EUR is also required.

Phí định cư Malta thuê bất động sản có mức phí thấp nhất

The residency cost in Malta through real estate rental has the lowest fee

Residency in Malta through Real Estate Purchase

Phí định cư Malta thuê bất động sản có mức phí thấp nhất 

Với hình thức định cư Malta thông qua mua bất động sản

Applicants will proceed to purchase a real estate project in the southern region of Malta or in Gozo with a minimum value of 350,000 EUR in various locations. After that, the investor will make a non-refundable contribution of 68,000 EUR to the Maltese government. Plus, a donation of 2,000 EUR to a Maltese non-governmental organization.

Costs for Additional Applicants on the Dossier

If the investor wishes to include additional family members, they will need to pay the following fees:

  • An additional 7,500 EUR for each dependent individual such as grandparents, parents, or spouse.

  • An additional 5,000 EUR for each dependent adult child.

Mức phí định cư sẽ tăng giá trị khi đương đơn có đính kèm thêm người thân

Mức phí định cư sẽ tăng giá trị khi đương đơn có đính kèm thêm người thân

Housing Costs in Malta

  • For a one-bedroom apartment in central Malta: The average monthly rental fee ranges from 600 to 1,000 EUR.

  • For a one-bedroom apartment outside central Malta: The average monthly rental fee ranges from 500 to 800 EUR.

  • For a three-bedroom apartment in central Malta: The average monthly rental fee ranges from 900 to 2,000 EUR.

  • For a three-bedroom apartment outside central Malta: The average monthly rental fee ranges from 700 to 1,500 EUR.

Note: If you choose to rent a two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment in the town of Sliema, the cost is over 2,000 USD/month. In a village with a similarly sized apartment, it would cost about 700 USD/month.

Mức phí thuê nhà tại Malta khá cao nếu bạn chọn ở vùng trung tâm

The rental cost in Malta is quite high if you choose to live in the central area

Food Costs in Malta

The cost of living in Malta, specifically food expenses, for an average family of two ranges from 500 to 600 USD per month. If a family of four dines at a mid-range restaurant, the cost will range from 100 to 300 EUR per meal.

Compared to food prices in Western countries, dining costs in Malta are still quite reasonable. Vietnamese residents living long-term in Malta recommend shopping at local markets for affordable and delicious food.

Healthcare Costs in Malta

Generally, healthcare costs in Malta are lower compared to countries like Germany, France, and the USA. The Maltese government currently provides two forms of healthcare: private healthcare and the public health system.

Transportation Costs in Malta

Malta currently has a well-developed public transportation system including buses, taxis, and ferries. For people over 70 years old, the country offers free bus tickets. Below are the monthly transportation costs in Malta:

  • One-way bus ticket: 1.5 to 2 EUR.

  • Monthly pass: 26 to 27 EUR.

  • Taxi fare: 1 to 3 EUR/km.

  • Gasoline price: 1.29 to 1.4 EUR/liter.

Người dân Malta chủ yếu đi lại bằng phương tiện giao thông công cộng

Người dân Malta chủ yếu đi lại bằng phương tiện giao thông công cộng

Why Choose Us for the Malta Residency Investment Program

When investors trust and choose us to accompany them in the Malta permanent residency program, we commit to:

  • Providing a team of experts and advisors who offer comprehensive support on all legal aspects.

  • Having a team of certified lawyers both domestically and internationally, committed to accompanying investors on their journey to Maltese citizenship.

  • Assisting in the preparation of all documents and dossiers to ensure the applicant’s dossier is processed quickly and with a high success rate.


Above are our specific shares on the latest 2024 Malta residency costs to help interested clients prepare thoroughly. Contact us immediately via the website if you are planning to acquire Maltese citizenship for yourself and your family in the near future.

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